UberCyberCats > Comics > 24 Hour Comic > 12 June 2002 > Pencils for pages 19 & 20
Third page drawn
Fourth page drawn



Start time 3:00 am 12 June 2002
Order Third page drawn
Time 1.5 hours
Pencil 45 minutes - penciled and inked at the same time. Tried Micron pen for inking, but it crapped out. See 'comments'
Scan / Letter 45 minutes ... my PhotoShop mojo seems to have left me.
Music "Songs From The Wood" Jethro Tull

"Born on a Pirate Ship" BareNaked Ladies

Beverage Cafe Vienna (too much instant coffee with too much sugar) and wine (to balance the too much sugar)
Snack None - my mojo is food enough !!

HA hahahaha! FEAR my mojo!

Fear Level No fear

I've never drawn this much in one sitting before and I'm starting to see fairies.

Must be the Jethro Tull.

Comments I think that maybe my hand was putting oils down on the Bristol boards, and that may have been screwing with my inking so this time I covered the part of the board that I wasn't drawing on with a piece of paper to keep the remnants of the Red Barron Breakfast Burrito off the page, and inked as soon as I was done penciling a panel.

It seemed to work GREAT! I would say that it DID work great, but I think I'm starting to lose it.

I tried inking with a Micron 01 "archival ink" pen. I guess I just can't make up my mind, but it is working better then when I tried earlier for about 2 panels, then it stopped working. I got it going again but it stopped again almost immediately - I am not convinced that there is a wax in the blue pencil that I'm using that is screwing with my pens.

Due to popular requests from the fairies I added the "Fear Level" and "Hallucinations" sections.

Start time 4:30 am 12 June 2002
Order Fourth page drawn
Time 2 hours ... groan!
Pencil 1.5 hours - why did this take so LONG? Oh yeah - because I forgot the story and had to write the ending before it completely faded from existance.

The great ink debate is over. I just penciled this one and DANG am I a happier camper. Now I will do some level manipulation in PhotoShop and *POOF* I will be FREE of ink - DO YOU HEAR ME? FREE! BWAHAHAHAHAAAAA!

Scan / Letter 30 minutes
Music "Songs From The Wood" Jethro Tull

'ELO's Greatest Hits" Electric Light Orchestra

Beverage Cafe Vienna ... LOTS of Cafe Vienna.

Gatorade - Slime flavor ("if it has to taste like this, I don't care if my electrolites are balanced.")

Snack Del Monte (Quality) Mandarin Orange Cup (mmmm ... natural sugars)
Fear Level No fear, but lots of confusion. Why am I still up? What's all this paper for?

The fairies are now dancing in circles around my empty wine glass.

Tiny naked lady fairies.

If they don't put more clothes on or this is going to turn into a HENTAI manga.

"Go down on velvet green ..." heh heh

Comments Can't remember the story line. I know I had a story line, but I can't remember it.

It was all so clear to me just a few minutes ago, but now I can't remember.

Took some time to write down what I could remember before starting this page.